At MyoKinesis we offer a variety of massages, and other therapies for holistic wellbeing. Each are described below.


Area Specific Massage Targeting Pain

One form of therapeutic massage is an area-specific treatment focused on reducing or eliminating pain in a problematic area. This is the type of massage to choose when you are dealing with acute or chronic discomfort that prevents you from doing your normal daily activities. Imagine waking up without aches and pains. We help you restore your normal body posture with a combination of massage therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises.

To achieve optimum results, it is normal for the massage to be a bit uncomfortable at times. No slight pain no gain as they say. Your therapist will explain how to manage this discomfort while still making the massage a great experience. There is usually some discomfort or stiffness after this type of treatment. This will subside within a few days. To reduce post-treatment symptoms, make sure to follow your therapist’s advice for home care.


Pampering for the body and soul

A stress relief massage relieves stress and tension in your muscles and will leave you with a sense of well-being. This is achieved by improving your circulation, increasing oxygen to your organs & skin, and moving fluid through your lymphatic system. We use techniques that include long strokes, gentle kneading and rolling of skin and muscle, and rhythmic rocking from side to side. 

This massage is a passive treatment. A stress relief massage can be done individually or with someone else.  The techniques used encourages your body to digest its food and get rid of its toxins. The benefits include better sleep and, if you are dealing with trauma, may pull up emotions embedded in deep tissues.


Releasing Pain and Stress Before it Overflows

Every profession has a unique set of mental and physical strains. At MyoKinesis, we understand the effects of these strains.  We help our clients create a more holistic wellness plan to improve overall health in both the short and long term.  While many think about massage when injured, our preventative massage therapy supports individuals in the unique ways their occupations create tension in the body.


The healing properties of chocolate.

This one-of-a-kind treatment is made up of all natural ingredients that are rich in antioxidants and moisturizers. You will be immersed in the smell, touch, and taste of chocolate. The facial will cleanse, hydrate, and revitalize your skin. This will leave your face radiant and baby soft. The therapeutic facial is the perfect massage to awaken and reenergize your body, mind, and spirit.


Releasing toxins and targeting therapy.

An infrared sauna heats up your muscles, simulating an intense work out. When using the sauna prior to a massage, your therapist does not have to spend time warming up your muscles before treating them and it becomes easier to work facia issues. This gives you maximum efficiency in your treatment. The light therapy of the sauna can also be used as a treatment without a massage pairing.