Area Specific Massage Targeting Pain

One form of therapeutic massage is an area-specific treatment focused on reducing or eliminating pain in a problematic area. This is the type of massage to choose when you are dealing with acute or chronic discomfort that prevents you from doing your normal daily activities. Imagine waking up without aches and pains. We help you restore your normal body posture with a combination of massage therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises.

To achieve optimum results, it is normal for the massage to be a bit uncomfortable at times. No slight pain no gain as they say. Your therapist will explain how to manage this discomfort while still making the massage a great experience. There is usually some discomfort or stiffness after this type of treatment. This will subside within a few days. To reduce post-treatment symptoms, make sure to follow your therapist’s advice for home care.

Work Injury Massage

We wish that no one would ever hurt themselves at work. Unfortunately, accidents happen and when they do, we are here to help. Whenever we treat Work Safe New-Brunswick (WSNB) clients, we must follow their guidelines. This is why we have special appointments for WSNB. We want our clients to get better quickly – enabling you to move on with your life and forget about the incident. There are important things in life to attend to like spending time with family and friends. Let a WSNB massage program get you back on track.

Motor Vehicle Injury Massage

Accidents happen and when they do MyoKinesis is here to support you. Our Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) massages have a special protocol our therapists follow. This approach supports a quicker recovery and gets you back to your day-to-day life. Our goal is for you to feel better and put the accident in the past. Contact us to see how a MVA massage can get you relief quickly.

Massage Sessions

Massage Sessions

When booking a pain relief massage, we have three session types available:


If you are booking a first visit with our team, please use the introductory session so we can learn more about your specific needs.
After the introductory session, you will work with your therapist to determine the right session plan for you moving forward.